Newtonian Mechanics from "axioms"

We begin with the following principles-postulates

1. (First Newton law) Among all the possible reference frames there is a class of them, called inertial frames, in which physical laws are in their simplest form.

2. (Second Newton law) In particular, in any inertial frame we have for any particle over which is acting a force $F$:

$$ F=m\cdot a $$

where $m$ is a constant of the particle that we will call mass.

3. (Third Newton law) For every force there exist other with opposite direction acting in the particle that originated the first one.

4. (Galilean transformation) A particle with constant velocity in an inertial frame originate other one of which is its origin, and reciprocally. To change coordinates between inertial frames we use the Galilean matrices $G_v$, with $v$ being the velocity of one to the other. The physical laws remain the same in different inertial frames.

5. All the forces in Nature come from the gradient of a potencial or, in mathematical terms, every force is an exact differential 1-form in $\mathbb{R}^3$.

From here we can conclude several results, some of them considered, wrongly, "principles", by the physicists:




Author of the notes: Antonio J. Pan-Collantes